Art in Nursing

I have chosen this artwork as a representation of the art of nursing. A big part of the nursing profession is having compassion and connecting with your patient. No other member of the care team spends as much time with the patient as the nursing staff do. I like how this artwork shows how something as simple as holding a patient’s hand can make a world of difference in what may be a very scary time for them. The confidence a nurse has can instill confidence in the patient. It is the “little” steps that nurses can take, such as holding a hand or taking the time to listen, that will make a big difference in the world of the patient in times of fear and uncertainty for them. I think this aspect of caring and connecting sets the nursing profession apart from others, both in and outside of healthcare.

Caring A Tradition of Nursing by Marlyn Boyd (2011)

One thought on “Art in Nursing”

  1. Daisy, this is a lovely and popular painting among the students. Your interpretation is lovely and I agree it is often the ‘little’ things that can make such a difference to the patient. It’s about making those connections!

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