Preparation for Licensure (ATI Pharm Practice B)

I found my score improved a good amount compared to the pharmacology practice A assessment. As I mentioned in my previous reflection, I spent some time reviewing some pharmacology concepts and medications prior to taking this assessment. My score improved by about 10%, which I am really happy with. I also noticed that I was able to answer the select all that apply questions with greater success, which has been one of my goals throughout this course. I have always noticed struggle with these types of questions, as I tend to overthink about the number of options I am choosing. I am learning to change my approach to these questions have certainly noted improvement on this assessment. I do find that I am more successful on the assessments that have a defined number of questions. For example, these practice pharmacology assessments have been set at 60 questions. I think this reduces my test taking anxiety. It was also helpful during these assessments to see if I got the question correct instantly. This provided encouragement for me, but I acknowledge that the NCLEX will not look like this. That being said, I still am hoping to decrease testing anxiety and improve my concentration on the assessments more similar to the NCLEX setup.